I wish that you knew me as well as I do. Actually neither do I.

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Just let it be.

4 shits :

  1. Anonymous2:01 PM

    hi! may i ask, whr ur friend got her damn niceee glitter iphone cover from?
    so pretty, u know!

  2. misschua9:23 AM


    My friend bought it from my another friend that sells iphone case. I've checked it, the white glitter is sold out, but they still have the black glitter though.

    Do you want it? they are selling it for $6 with postage.

  3. Anonymous8:48 PM

    i want!
    but actually am looking for itouch.
    so pretty leh.
    does ur friend have em in itouch?
    whats ur friend's website?
    can share!!!

  4. misschua11:53 AM

    they dont have a website.
    usually they sell it in flea markets.
    and im not very sure whether it fits itouch, cause i think itouch is slimmer.


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Life to be as simple as being happy everyday.

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